The warm days of June and July were, and still are, my favorite time of year. Time for Turtle Days and cookouts.
For this recipe, I make a basic coleslaw with a twist - the addition of a packet of ranch seasoning mix. It provides spark to this cookout classic – much like the closing fireworks at Turtle Days now. I was as exited to try this coleslaw as I was to watch them light the sky from my Sister’s place in Thresher Ridge, both were as good as riding the Rock-o-Plane in 1986.

More on Turtle Days
The festival has changed a lot from when I was growing up. It was much larger as far as the carnival and amusements 25 years ago. I think there are more activities to participate in around town, but the midway part is really rinky-dink now.
The carnival might be smaller but, like I said in the intro, the addition of a fireworks show as the closing ceremony makes all the difference. The last three years it has been spectacular. Sure, they're not the Macy’s firework show in New York City on the 4th of July, but for a small Indiana town, it’s worth gathering some friends and family and watching the display.
Eat well, cook often ...

1 bag Coleslaw mix (16 oz)
3/4 C Mayonnaise
3 Tbs Vinegar
3 Tbs Sugar
3 Tbs Vegetable oil
1 pkg Ranch seasoning mix
Mix coleslaw, refrigerate, serve
In a large bowl stir together coleslaw mix, mayo, vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar and packet of ranch seasoning until well incorporated. Place in refrigerator and let marinate for at least one hour. Remove and serve.
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